120 Day Functional Fitness Training Program with Brandon Richey
This new program is a 120 Day training program that is designed to transform your body and mind for the rest of your life. You'll never look at training the same. This program is for great for those wanting to up their fitness to be physically prepared for anything in life and sport and to achieve optimal functional fitness through effective movement based training. Also this program is based on improving functional fitness with 4 Key Elements. These 4 Key Elements include...
1. Movement Preparation/Mobility
2. Strength
3. Conditioning
4. Recovery
This program also explains the significance of the 7 foundational movements of strength along with unlocking the vault to physical function by giving you practical understanding and workouts to train you on how to move through the 3 planes of motion.
Training is designed in a well-organized and efficient manner to achieve the following...
-Eliminate possible imbalances in your current routine, as well as in your posture and muscular development
-Achieve optimal performance by creating optimal physical and mental recovery
-To become strong and injury-resistant
-To obtain real world cardio conditioning
-Have more confidence in your physical and mental abilities
-And most importantly to function far better in everyday life
It's complete with a video bank containing 63 demonstration videos, a product recommendation section, training articles, and much more!