Sample Workouts for SGPT Online Training
Thanks for your interest in SGPT Online Training. Here's some sample workouts and more information about our best selling training programs: SGPT 365 and Our 180 Day Training.
SGPT 365 is our 2 180 day Programs combined to get 365 days of training.
The 365 comes with 2 bonus programs: Nutrition and our Mental Training System. The 180 Days don't have these bonus items.
Gear Needed: Ideal set up for this program:
Pull Up Bar
Barbell with at least 135 Pounds of Weight or you can sub in a Heavy Sandbag
Step Up or Box Jump
Ruck with Weight or Weight Vest
Rucking and Running Trails or Pool
We give both swim and ruck options
But you can get by with just a sandbag and a pull up bar.
Here's the links:
SGPT The Complete Package. Crawl Walk Run BUD/s Work Up 2 Year Program:
Of course you can get SGPT 180 Day Here:
Here's the information about the training program and sample workouts from the Power Phase:
Workouts as follows:
3 Days On 1 Day Recovery 2 Days On 1 Day Rest
Workouts range from 30 min to 1 hour.
Pre Programmed Training. You own it! PDF Download. If you lose your file we can resend you a new one as long as you have the email you purchased with.
Day 1:
Warm Up: 400m Jog Complete Stretch Top to Bottom
5 Rounds:
50m Sprint
10 Power Cleans at 95#/65#
Cool Down: 1 Mile Run Complete Stretch Top To Bottom
Day 2:
Warm Up: 100m Bear Crawl Complete Stretch Top to Bottom
5 Mile Ruck with As Much Weight As Possible (AMWAP)
Cool Down: 3 Min Plank Hold with Ruck On Top To Bottom Stretch