90 Day Strength
90 Day Strength and Conditioning

90 Day On Ramp Program
With SEAL Grinder PT Coach Support!
Got a training question? Hit us up on our Facebook Page with a message!*
Only $39.97
Are you an asset to your team or a liability?
SEAL Grinder PT has created a great starting point for anyone looking to get in excellent physical shape in 90 days with this 90 Day Pre Programmed Download. Yes it takes time...
This course begins by targeting your core and puts your body through a 6 week strength cycle. We focus on 4 basic movements: Back Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift and Strict Press.
These 4 foundational movements build strength at your core and out to your extremities. You will get the results you want! Guaranteed!*
Strength is immediately followed by a 7 week conditioning cycle. This incorporates, Ruck Training, Grinder PT, Sprinting Work, Sandbag Drills and MORE!
Here's what SGPT Athlete/Firefighter Drew Has to Say About 90 Day Strength:
"I'm into week 8 of your 90 day workout. I'm a firefighter, I lift everyday, run marathons and like to think I'm in pretty decent shape. This week is challenging to say the least. And I like it. The workouts so far have been difficult, but I put on my music and get to work. When I get tired in the workouts I push through and accept the challenge your workout is bringing. I'm excited for the weeks too come and for the change physically and mentally. Thank you"
Limited Offer! $39.97
Who is this program for?
Anyone looking to improve their overall strength and conditioning. Yes it is designed for SOF Candidates but it is also great for any sport. Football, Wrestling, Ju Jitsu, MMA, Boxing, CrossFit, Motocross, and more. Training for a endurance event such as Kokoro or 20X Challenge from SEALFIT? Or Spartan Agoge? How about a GORUCK Event? Lite to Heavy or even Selection? This is your starting point.
What Gear Do You Need:
We go over a complete list of gear but this workout can be done in a home gym with minimal equipment.
Diet Plan:
We go over a general diet plan during each of the cycles. This is a very basic guide but you will understand how to eat during each of the segments
Each Segment has a testing phase that allows you to accurately measure your hard work.
Get to WORK!
"Coach Brad;
My SGPT Strength program is going great, I'm very satisfied. For the first time in my life I am waking up and eating breakfast and journaling.
My 1Rep Max numbers are: Back squat: 245 / Bench press: 150 (I've never benched before)/ Deadlift: 300/ Overhead-press: 100
I'm currently on day 16."