SGPT Hybrid Tier Training - HTT On Sale NOW!
Introducing our next training system from SGPT!!
The Hybrid Tier Training HTT System!!
90 Days of Workouts. Strength. Power. Endurance and Mental Toughness!!
Combining our Best Selling Training Programs creating a truly unique and effective method of Functional Fitness.
For many the Volume of Tier 1 is just too much. For others our 180 and 365 Day Systems are not enough...
The Hybrid Tier Training HTT gives you the BEST OF BOTH Training Models.
You will get Tier 1 Volume Challenges, SGPT 365 Level Strength Cycles and Classic SGPT Condition with Grinder PT. Carefully programmed into your weekly Battle Rhythm!
3 days of SGPT 365 Level Strength and Conditioning.
1 Day of Active LSD Recovery
2 Days of TIER 1 Challenges
1 Full Day of Rest!
HTT Hybrid Tier Training is the ultimate blend of Tactical Fitness!
No Excuses!!
Just Results!
Pre Order TODAY!!!