SGPT Commando Training System
All NEW FOR 2022!
SGPT's Commando Training System
90 Day Tier 1 Level Training and we add in some classic Bodybuilding.
Team! We are functional first. But we have a saying... If you look good. YOU FEEL GOOD!
This is why we are creating our SGPT Commando Training System. This hybrid training is the best of both worlds.
You get INTENSE SGPT Functional Training! You also get Curls for the Girls, Back, Chest, Arms and Leg classic bodybuilding training.
Sample Training Day 1 Phase 1 and 2
Week 1: Day 1
Warm Up with 15 to 30 minutes of your favorite low impact cardio. Bike, Elliptical, Row, Etc. Complete Stretch and Range of Motion Drills. Hydrate.
Bicep Day:
3 Sets of 10 Reps with 3 minute rest between sets and moderate tempo. You should reach failure on your last set of 10 for each movement. Do not pick too heavy of weight.
Dumbbell Curls
Hammer Curls
3 Sets of 5 Reps
Chin Ups
Commando Pull Ups
Rest 5 Minutes. Then:
4 Rounds:
10 Man Makers , 20 Air Squats, 20 Hollow Rocks
Cool Down with 15 Minutes Low Impact Cardio. Hydrate and FUEL.
Sample Training Day from Phase 3!
Day 18:
Warm Up Per SOP
Pec Day
3 Sets of 10 Reps with 3 minute rest between sets and moderate tempo. You should reach failure on your last set of 10 for each movement. Do not pick too heavy of weight.
Incline Dumbbell or Sandbag Bench
Decline Dumbbell or Sandbag Bench
Plyometric Push Ups
Rest 5 Mins
3 Sets of 10 Reps with 3 minute rest between sets and moderate tempo. You should reach failure on your last set of 10 for each movement. Do not pick too heavy of weight.
Back Squats
Overhead Squats
Rest 5 Mins
5 Rounds:
10 4 Count Smurf Jacks
2 Min Plan Hold
10 4 Count Jumping Jacks
2 Min Plank Hold
10 4 Count Mtn Climbers
Cool Down Per SOP!
Equipment Needed: You will need classic SGPT Gear and you will need a set of Dumbbells 20 - 45 Pounds depending on your current strength.
Scalable: YES! 100% Scalable.
Battle Rhythm: 4 Days of Functional Training 3 Days of Bodybuilding/Active Recovery
Nutrition: We will give you some general guidance!
Downloadable PDF DIY Guide.