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SGPT Online TradeMarks TM Information

SGPT Online, SGPT 180 Day, 180 Day Training System, SGPT 365 Total Training System, SGPT MTS, SGPT Mental Training System, Mental Training System, SEALgrinderPT, SEAL Grinder PT and all similarly named programs are are all trade marks or TM of SGPT Online and SEAL Grinder PT.

All titles and content are distinguished products or services from SGPT Online.

Reproduction or misuse without written authorization is unlawful and violations of this will face legal repercussions in both the state of California and Florida. 

SGPT sells functional mental and physical training on a global platform around the world. SEAL Grinder PT was established in 2008. SGPT Online was established in January of 2016. 

Slogans: Be an Asset to Your Team or variations of this slogan. Be an Asset Not a Liability are also used by SGPT Online.