SGPT Online Lifetime Membership
Welcome to SGPT's Underground Bunker!
You have entered the “Underground Bunker” Membership area.
If you are not a member — you can sign up for 14.00 a month – the cost of one good lunch.
Why join the Underground Bunker? Aside from a custom daily workout program created by FreakFogman Brad McLeod, former Navy SEAL and founder of SEAL Grinder PT. The Bunker also adds daily updates with exclusive interviews you will not see on the main page, videos, tips and articles on mental toughness and physical conditioning and more.
Try out the exclusive members area today!
You get all of this….
* Daily SGPT workouts and comments area to post for accountability.
* An SGPT coach approves all comments daily and answers your questions.
* Exclusive interviews with Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, Special Forces and elite athletes
* Monthly SGPT challenges and chance to win free swag.
* Access to up-to-date and spot-on information to help you progress as an athlete.
You can cancel at anytime – no questions asked (other than what we can do to improve!).
We have a ton of athletes that love our program and eat all they can at the long buffet inside the SGPT Membership area.
A portion of all proceeds go to fund the Navy SEAL Foundation.
Knowledge is Power.
Check out what is included in the new SGPT